Friday, October 25, 2013

SCPD link finder

In order to help with the issues with SCPD Scrape- I created a bookmarklet you can use to easily find the URL of any video you are watching.

The instructions are as follows:
1. Create a bookmark out of the this link
2 open SCPD and navigate to your course's page
3. Open a video's WMP video link
4. When the page loads, click on your bookmark- note that this bookmark must be opened while the browser is on the WMP video player page AND while that tab/window is selected

The bookmarklet will cause a pop up to pop up which displays instructions on how to download the video-

And if you have forgotten how bookmarklets work (as I had) simply drag the link I provided into your bookmarks manager:)

NOTE: you must have mimms installed in order to download the video.

Here are links to the source:
The bookmarklet--
SCPD (My fork)--
SCPD (The one I push to)--

I hope this helps! And there will hopefully be a solution up and running soon:)

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